What to expect when getting your wisdom teeth removed

Your back molars, also known as wisdom teeth, are the last adult teeth to emerge in your mouth. They come in on the top and bottom of both sides, usually between the ages of 17 and 21.


Why have them out?

Most people have them removed for one of these reasons:

  • They’re impacted. Because they're so far back in your mouth, wisdom teeth may not come in normally. They can be trapped in your jawbone or gums, which can be painful.

  • They come in at the wrong angle. They may press against your other teeth.

  • Your mouth isn’t big enough. Your jaw has no room for an extra set of molars.

  • You have cavities or gum disease. You may not be able to reach your wisdom teeth with your toothbrush or dental floss.

What Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery Involve?

Whether your surgery is performed awake or asleep, our dentists will administer long acting local anaesthetic to numb the tooth extraction site. A long acting anaesthetic ensures you are comfortable both during and for a long time after the procedure has been completed.

Once the site is deeply numb, the procedure begins by accessing the tooth / bone through an incision in the gum. Bone and tooth may require removal to allow for complication free tooth extraction. The extraction site is then irrigated and stitched together, so that bleeding from the wound has ceased.

How will I feel after my wisdom teeth surgery?

Common symptoms which you may experience after your wisdom teeth extraction:

  • Drowsiness: If you’ve been under sedation or general anaesthesia, you should avoid driving and arrange for someone to help out at home for the next 1-2 days.

  • Pain: Your dentist is likely to recommend painkillers for up to a week after surgery, to help with any pain you experience.

  • Bleeding: It’s common to have some bleeding after your surgery. Your dentist will discuss options to manage post-surgery bleeding.

  • Swelling of the jaw: If you experience a swollen jaw, you can apply ice straight after surgery. The swelling should subside after 4-5 days.

If you are considering wisdom teeth removal come in for a consultation.


Preparing kids for the dentist