Preparing kids for the dentist

Regular check-ups with a dentist should be part of every kid's oral health care routine.

Children who are used to visiting the dentist from a young age will often develop good dental car habits for life, and keep up with visits to the dentist as adults. So it is important to start early.

Regular check-ups important

Children who are used to visiting the dentist from a young age will often develop good dental car habits for life, and keep up with visits to the dentist as adults. So it is important to start early.

Starting dental visits early will allow our dentists to

  • monitor the development your child's teeth and jaw as they grow.

  • see problems before they become an issue and while they could be easier to act on

  • provide preventive treatments

  • give you advice or answer any questions you have.

Kids who visit the dentist more often will also be more familiar with the practice helping to prevent unnecessary anxiety.

Some tips to prepare your child for their first visit

Keep a positive attitude

Your child looks to you for cues on how experiences are going to upfold. If you portray going to the dentist with a relaxed and positive attitude, then there is a good chance your child will be relaxed and just accept it as another new experience.

Explain what to expect

Provide a simple explanation of what is going to happen.

Things like;

The dentist will want you to open your mouth wide.
The dentist is going to check your teeth to keep them healthy.
The dentist is friendly and will be gentle.

Dental-themed videos or books

Kids shows like Peppa-pig have episodes on going to the dentist which may help your child feel positive, and less anxious.

Bring a favourite teddy or toy as company

If your child has a favourite toy or item that helps them feel comfortable, bring it along to help put them at ease.

At Serene Dental, we have toys and a special kids area that can keep the little ones occupied, while they wait and during their appointments.

We also have TV screens on the roof to give them something to watch during the examination.

Rewards and treats after the dentist

Giving a child something to look forward to, can help them to get through the appointment on their best behaviour. Just try and avoid the sugary treats after, so you don’t undo all the hard work.

Reinforce the positives of the experience

After the appointment, talk about how it was easy, the dentist was nice, it didn’t hurt etc. This can help cement in their mind that the dentist is not a bad experience and can make it easier for future visits.

We hope this article helped and look forward to welcoming you and your children to our practice soon.


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